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in Azure by (7k points)

Trying to run tests through vsts release pipeline using VS Test tasks from vsts release. Tests are getting recognized but are not executed. The error:

Starting ChromeDriver 2.45.615291 (ec3682e3c9061c10f26ea9e5cdcf3c53f3f74387) on port 4620

Only local connections are allowed.

Failed   _MenuConfirmation

Error Message:

 OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException : The HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server for URL http://localhost:4580/session/1315de45cb967b450b25cef659f6/window/current/size timed out after 60 seconds.

----> System.Net.WebException : The operation has timed out

Stack Trace:


OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.HttpCommandExecutor.MakeHttpRequest(HttpRequestInfo requestInfo)

at OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.HttpCommandExecutor.Execute(Command commandToExecute)

at OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.DriverServiceCommandExecutor.Execute(Command commandToExecute)

at OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver.Execute(String driverCommandToExecute, Dictionary`2 parameters)

at OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWindow.set_Size(Size value)

at abc.AutomatedTests.BaseTestingClass.CommonInit() in D:\teams\build4\_work\1\s\src\abc.AutomatedTests\BaseTestingClass.cs:line 43



1 Answer

+1 vote
by (31.9k points)
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Best answer

The error indicates, the agent you are running the UI tests on can't reach the URL you specified. Check by changing the URL or Installing a self-hosted agent on your machine.

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