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in Azure by (7k points)
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I have an existing Azure SQL database. Now, my users want to create another Database using the scripts which were uploaded into Git by developers meaning identifying all the dependencies of DB objects and executing them in order to create new Database, Is this the correct approach? Should I consider this as approach or

  • Create a solution, clone existing repo in VS
  • Import DB objects and push solution to Git.
  • Create a pipeline which includes steps as build solution or copy or publish the artifact
  • Create a new pipeline for release and use the Azure SQL Data Warehouse deploy task and  the link DACPAC file.
  • Change code-> upload in git->generate solution-> build release.


1 Answer

+1 vote
by (31.9k points)
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Best answer

The second approach is the common way. We can deploy a SQL Database using DACPAC or run the scripts using SQLCMD. So as to easily find references in case if you encounter problems during the deployment.

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