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in BI by (11.1k points)

I was trying to import data into Power BI by connecting Zoho CRM API and I am getting an error after getting into Zoho through my custom connector

Error message: [DataFormatError] We couldn't parse your query string as it was improperly formatted

// This file contains your Data Connector logic section Zoho_Connector___V1.1; // TODO: add your client id and secret to the embedded files client_id = "XXXXX"; client_secret = "XXXXXX"; redirect_uri = ""; windowWidth = 800; windowHeight = 800; //Oauth base url for OAuthBaseUrl = ""; [DataSource.Kind="Zoho_Connector___V1.1", Publish="Zoho_Connector___V1.1.Publish"] shared Zoho_Connector___V1.1.Contents = () => let navTable = Web.Contents("") in navTable; // Data Source Kind description Zoho_Connector___V1.1 = [ Authentication = [ // enable both OAuth and Key based auth OAuth = [ StartLogin = StartLogin, FinishLogin = FinishLogin, Refresh=Refresh ] ], Label = Extension.LoadString("DataSourceLabel") ]; // Data Source UI publishing description Zoho_Connector___V1.1.Publish = [ Beta = true, Category = "Other", ButtonText = { Extension.LoadString("ButtonTitle"), Extension.LoadString("ButtonHelp") }, LearnMoreUrl = "", SourceImage = Zoho_Connector___V1.1.Icons, SourceTypeImage = Zoho_Connector___V1.1.Icons ]; // OAuth2 flow definition // // Start Login thorugh OAUTH StartLogin = (resourceUrl, state, display) => let AuthorizeUrl = OAuthBaseUrl & Uri.BuildQueryString([ scope = "ZohoCRM.modules.all", client_id = client_id, redirect_uri = redirect_uri, response_type = "code", state = state, access_type = "online"]) in [ LoginUri = AuthorizeUrl, CallbackUri = redirect_uri, WindowHeight = windowHeight, WindowWidth = windowWidth, Context = null ]; // Finish Login through OAUTH FinishLogin = (context, callbackUri, state) => let Parts = Uri.Parts(callbackUri)[Query] in TokenMethod(Parts[code], "authorization_code"); TokenMethod = (code, grant_type) => let Response = Web.Contents(OAuthBaseUrl & "/token", [ Content = Text.ToBinary(Uri.BuildQueryString([ grant_type = "authorization_code", client_id = client_id, client_secret = client_secret, redirect_uri = redirect_uri, code = code ] )), Headers=[#"Content-type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",#"Accept" = "application/json"]]), Parts = Json.Document(Response) in Parts; Refresh = (resourceUrl, refresh_token) => TokenMethod(refresh_token, "refresh_token"); Zoho_Connector___V1.1.Icons = [ Icon16 = { Extension.Contents("Zoho_Connector___V1.116.png"), Extension.Contents("Zoho_Connector___V1.120.png"), Extension.Contents("Zoho_Connector___V1.124.png"), Extension.Contents("Zoho_Connector___V1.132.png") }, Icon32 = { Extension.Contents("Zoho_Connector___V1.132.png"), Extension.Contents("Zoho_Connector___V1.140.png"), Extension.Contents("Zoho_Connector___V1.148.png"), Extension.Contents("Zoho_Connector___V1.164.png") } ];


1 Answer

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by (22.5k points)

Check with the following code:

OAuthBaseUrl = "";

Url code is:

OAuthBaseUrl & "/token" 

Focus on Question Marks 

It should be like 

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