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in GCP by (29.3k points)

As per the updated pricing with data bases in GCP, The database charges 0.9 $ per hour node, but if I use for the testing/ development it is fine where we will be using for 6 hours but when we attach with the production, Then database will run at least 100 hours per month.

But I cannot delete the database and re-creating it is not a suitable way, kindly suggest any other option to use it minimal with nodes.

1 Answer

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by (50.2k points)

Here to maintain the databases you need to have at least one node to store 2 TIB of data.

But here if you are trying to upload 100 TIB of data then you need to have a minimum of 50 nodes which will charge you similarly to maintain data in the database.

For more details on pricing, refer to the tutorial on Google Cloud.


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