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in SQL by (45k points)

Could someone tell me how to explain the SQL project in an interview?

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by (99k points)

SQL projects are part of your training that you do to get proficiency in SQL. Coming to the interview part, you need to successfully explain the work that you did and the outcome you achieved. Because this defines the depth and clarity of concepts that you gained through learning and doing the project.

For explaining the project in an interview, start off by giving out an intro which briefly describes the problem, and what you set out to achieve. Then, enter the research part, the concepts you worked out, and later the tools and various technicalities involved. At last, connect the dots and give them what you achieved, that is the result.

Keep these descriptions as short and concise as you can but should involve important features.

If you need any technical assistance, then make sure to check out the SQL interview questions from our experts to help you gain a better understanding, which contains a list of top questions that are asked by recruiters.

If you are aiming to learn SQL and become an expert in it, then I would recommend you to take up the SQL course from Intellipaat.

Do watch our video on How to Crack SQL Interview to help you get started.

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