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in Data Science by (55.6k points)

Could someone guide a beginner like me, to choose a good data science blog?

1 Answer

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by (4.4k points)

There are many blogs and tutorials on the internet that you could add to your starter kit. But, instead of rummaging around cluelessly on the internet, I would advise you to stick to some fixed set of tutorials that explain Data Science on the whole through various modules and chapters. Not only will it help you understand all the fundamentals that you need to know as a beginner but also guide you through in an organized manner in the proper sequence. 

To make your search easier, here is a playlist on Data Science that has been prepared for beginners by Intellipaat that covers everything from a full 13-hour Data Science tutorial to learning about probability and statistics. 



Intellipaat also has a number of blogs and tutorials to help beginners start from scratch. Check out the Data Science tutorial

As much as these blogs and tutorials are comprehensive, it is always better to have an expert train you. That way there is less chance of missing out on some concepts. The good thing about having a trainer is that you can always have someone around to clear any questions that you may have on the topic or subject.


Check out Intellipaat’s Data Science online course. It is for all Data Science aspirants who want to make it their profession. You can reach out to the course advisors for further details.

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