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in Data Science by (1.1k points)
You can tell about personal goals, how would you progress and your KPI in your job.

1 Answer

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by (99k points)

Data Science is in its first phase, it could only grow exponentially from here to unchartered fields. Data Science is a combination of Statistics, Coding, and Computer Science. It is one of those jobs which is open to a very diverse set of professionals from the very varying background. Starting out, many people including me did not have any idea, where this profession would take me, or how will this domain pan out in the future, the skillsets that will be required. With several years of experience in the domain, I can surely say, it is the disruption, and you would never know which new path will carve out, that can lure you, because this is such a huge field, and it is hungry to process large sets of data.

If you are serious about breaking into the Data Science domain, I recommend you check out the Data Science courses from Intellipaat, as it's an industry-grade course that aims to enhance the practical experience in the domain with guided projects. If you are a beginner in this field, check out the Data Science tutorial and watch the Data Science Online Course from experts.

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