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in Data Science by (55.6k points)

Could someone tell me how to use data analytics in marketing?

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by (45.3k points)
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Data analytics find its usage in almost every industry, as every industry is now data-driven. And merely possessing a huge amount of data is of no value, unless useful and meaningful information is processed from it. Same way, data analytics is very important in the field of marketing. You could literally, improve the sales figures using the techniques of data analytics.

Three ways through which you could use data analytics in marketing are: 

  • Use a large amount of data present to generate reports about the campaigns and marketing are done in the past. 
  • Then next you could use the techniques and principles of data analytics to analyze the present situation to uncover trends and insights on customer behavior and sentiments, etc. 
  • Finally, you could use Data analytics to even predict the future of your business if the current situations continue and will help you in increasing your efficiency, through predictive analytics, etc.

If you wish to get certified in Data analytics, check out the range of Data Analytics courses offered by Intellipaat. and if you are a beginner, then start your journey by checking out the Data analyst blog article. And also watch our video on Data analytics for beginners.

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