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in Data Science by (55.6k points)

Could someone tell me what do Data analytics companies do?

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)
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Data Analytics companies collect and process these large amounts of data, to gain meaningful insights from it, to help take key informed organizational decisions to boost efficiency. Now, Data Analytics companies are of a few types, like the one which offers services, another which just sells and collects data, and the last one which sells analytics or any data management products. Many top companies who have a hard time getting traction in their sales often choose this option, if they don’t have an in-house analytics service, to boost their revenue.

If you wish to learn Data Analytics and get certified, then I would suggest you to enroll in any of the Data Analytics Online Course from Intellipaat. These courses are aimed at increasing your practical exposure, and offer a package of instructor-led video modules or self-paced videos along with guided projects and exercises. Also, if you are a beginner, watch our YouTube video on Data Analytics for beginners from our experts.

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