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in Data Science by (2.7k points)

How can data analytics help businesses?

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by (680 points)
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Data analytics is used in a variety of ways to help businesses solve problems.

  • It can help companies by providing insights into the market and helping them to understand how customers use their products and services. It can also be used to predict customer behaviour and supply chain management.

  • Data analytics can also be used to improve business processes, such as improving customer engagement, or by identifying areas where there is an opportunity for growth.

  • The ability to analyze data quickly, accurately and efficiently is critical for businesses looking to make better decisions about what they do next.

If you want to learn more about Data Science along with the knowledge of AI, then it is recommended that you have a look at Intellipaat's Data science and artificial intelligence course because it will provide you all the knowledge you need to become an expert.

Also, enroll in this Data Analytics course in Canada offered by Intellipaat to enhance your skills.

You can watch the success story of Projwal an Intellipaat's former student, who profited from this course and gained a firm understanding of the subject's basics.


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