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in Technology Trends by (45k points)
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Could someone tell me how Java differs from C and C++?

2 Answers

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by (99k points)

Java is a high-level programming language, whereas C++ is a middle-level language, and C is a low-level language. Java is one of the most popular that could be used for building a mobile application, Desktop, and Server-side applications, with features for scalability. Whereas, C is a low-level language, is used for scripting purposes. And C++ is used by programmers for developing applications and even gaming software too, because of its flexibility that it supports both procedural programming as well as Object-oriented programming too. Java has a huge library through which its users could use it for anything ranging from small tasks to heavy complex problems.

Wishing to add more programming languages to your resume? Check out Intellipaat’s programming course, which provides you with dedicated time for instructor-led training and guided projects and exercise. The whole package is designed in such a way as to help you optimize your practical skills. Also, if you wish to know more about the Difference Between C, C++, and Java, then have a look at the following video.

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by (37.3k points)

C is a procedural language, which means that you need to specify the steps to perform certain operations. Whereas C++ is a modified version of C having concepts of object-oriented programming (OOPs) we can still use structural programming as well. We use C/C++ mainly in embedded systems and system programming.

But Java is a fully object-oriented programming language, which means that everything is based on our objects and classes. It also has a garbage collector, which deals with the data management automatically. We use Java for different purposes, like developing web and Android apps.

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