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in Azure by (6.5k points)

A. Abstraction

B. All of the options

C. Productivity

D. Reliability

2 Answers

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by (41.4k points)

Abstraction is the right answer to the question which of the following is an essential concept related to the Cloud. Therefore, the correct option is (A). Abstraction in technology terms is defined as the process of hiding the background details of essential features from the user or developer. It is one of the core principles on which Cloud Computing works. It is designed to simplify operations, by allowing better management of the underlying resources. Let me give you an explanation for abstraction in terms of cloud computing: Applications run on systems that you will not be aware of, your cloud data is stored in locations you may not know about, System administration is outsourced, which means all the resources upon which cloud computing works, will not be visible to you as a user or a developer.

If you wish to become a certified professional in Cloud Computing, then have a look at cloud computing courses from Intellipaat, as they provide one of the best cloud computing courses in India, which primarily focuses on building your practical skills through rigorous guided projects and exercises in a dedicated time-frame. I would like you to watch our exclusive YouTube video on the Cloud Computing course.

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by (2.7k points)

Correct Answer: A. Abstraction

Explanation of Concepts:


Thus, abstraction in cloud computing simplifies the complex details of infrastructure so that a user can access and control resources without having to understand the hardware and software that lie underneath. As a principle, this concept is simple because it enhances friendliness in use, simplifies resource management, and optimizes the cloud experience by hiding technical complexities.


Reliability ensures cloud services are available, secure and reliable, and functioning at an optimal rate. Although reliability is needed for the maintenance of service quality and uptime, it extends to the abstraction layer and hence it comes after it and not vice versa.


While in cloud computing, productivity is concerned about making the most of the available resources to meet business needs, productivity is rather the consequence of the proper implementation of cloud systems and abstraction rather than a base concept in cloud computing.


All three concepts-Abstraction, Reliability, and Productivity-are part of the cloud. Abstraction is the most basic one of these. It forms the basis of how users interact with cloud services so that they can harness the power of the cloud without necessarily understanding how it works inside.

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