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in Data Science by (1.1k points)
Is java used in Data Science?

1 Answer

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by (19.7k points)

If you want to become a Data Scientist, Java is one of the best languages to learn. The reason being is 

  1. You can build complex ML/AI applications and make them scalable with Java. 

  2. Java has a faster execution speed compared to other languages

  3. Java has numerous libraries like Java-ML, MLlib, Deeplearning4j, and Weka for Data Science and Machine Learning 

  4. With Java 8, you get Lambdas and Java 9 has REPL for iterative developments.

  5. JVM makes it possible to run your code on multiple platforms making it platform-independent. 

  6. Being a strongly typed language, it doesn’t allow type errors. 

  7. Java offers ubiquity, which brings easy integration with the source code. 

  8. Java makes it easier to perform ETL operations and to computer complex ML algorithms. 

 Interested in Data Science? Check out this Data Science Course by Intellipaat. 

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