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in AI and Deep Learning by (45k points)

Could someone tell me how many Logical connectives are there in Artificial Intelligence?

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by (99k points)

Before explaining Logical connectives and listing various connectives that are in use, let discuss Propositional Logic. A statement or claim that may be true or false is the simplest form of logic that could be described. Now this Propositional Logic (PL) is classified into two types; Atomic Propositions & Compound Propositions. Atomic propositions are the simplest Proposition logics and have either true or false as the response. Whereas, The compound proposition is a combination of multiple atomic propositions joined together with logical connectives and parenthesis.

Now, Logical connectives are something that is used to connect two logically correct statement or atomic propositions, to give meaning to the statement. There are five Logical connectives used in Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and are; Conjunction, Negotiation, Implication, Disjunction, & Biconditional. If you are looking out for a good Artificial Intelligence course, then check out from Intellipaat. This course offers you with industry-best instructor-led training and sufficient hands-on experience through several guided projects and exercises, which are aimed at enhancing your practical skills. Grab this opportunity to help you add an A.I. as your skill and secure your future job prospects.

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