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in Digital Marketing by (45k points)

Could someone tell me how does Digital Marketing works?

1 Answer

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by (99k points)

Digital Marketing is typically a methodology of marketing to sell products and services using online platforms. Digital Marketing is an umbrella term for all the marketing and branding efforts of a company. Every company has to market and brand their company to increase their brand awareness among the general public and they will hire Digital Marketers or Digital Marketing agencies to handle all the marketing operations. They will offer services like SEO strategy, website handling, Social media campaigns, Google Analytics, Web Analytics, SEM, etc. to help them get across various customers through various platforms. 

They have Digital Marketing analysts who keep track of their campaign’s effectiveness with their customer base and how their branding efforts are faring and Digital Marketing strategists and consultants who chart out their efforts and how they should implement for maximum effectiveness. If you wish to get started and skilled in Digital Marketing, then check out the Digital Marketing certification course, from Intellipaat. Also, check out our video to get the basics right visually.

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