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in Python by (16.4k points)

How might I utilize the grid() to put a gadget at the lower part of a window? For instance, this code will put these labels directly under one another, yet imagine a scenario where I need to move label_4 to the lower part of the window, or nearer to the bottom, how could this be accomplished.

label_1 = Label(text = 'Name 1').grid(row = 0, sticky = W)

label_2 = Label(text = 'Name 2').grid(row = 1, sticky = W)

label_3 = Label(text = 'Name 3').grid(row = 2, sticky = W)

label_4 = Label(text = 'Name 4').grid(row = 3, sticky = W)

1 Answer

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by (26.4k points)
edited by

In the event that you need to utilize the grid system for this, you need to make a "spacer" cell in the grid system (a vacant one), which can progressively get the spaces left from the window, and pushes the last label to the base.

from Tkinter import *  # or tkinter if you use Python3

root = Tk()

label_1 = Label(master=root, text='Name 1')

label_2 = Label(master=root, text='Name 2')

label_3 = Label(master=root, text='Name 3')

label_4 = Label(master=root, text='Name 4')



label_3.grid(row=2)  # this is the 2nd

label_4.grid(row=4)  # this is the 4th

root.rowconfigure(index=3, weight=1)  # add weight to the 3rd!


But, for this scenario, I recommend you to use pack instead of using grid

from Tkinter import *  # or tkinter if you use Python3

root = Tk()

label_1 = Label(master=root, text='Name 1')

label_2 = Label(master=root, text='Name 2')

label_3 = Label(master=root, text='Name 3')

label_4 = Label(master=root, text='Name 4')






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