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in SQL by (4k points)

How can I call a stored procedure from command line?

I have a procedure:

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `insertEvent`(IN `dateTimeIN` DATETIME)
    NO SQL
    SET @eventIDOut = NULL;

    IF  EXISTS(SELECT * FROM `events` WHERE `eventDate` = dateTimeIN) THEN
        SELECT `eID` INTO @eventIDOut FROM `events` WHERE `eventDate` = dateTimeIN LIMIT 1;
        INSERT INTO `events` (`eventDate`) VALUES(dateTimeIN);
        SET @eventIDOut = last_insert_id();
    END IF;

    SELECT CONCAT(@eventIDOut);

1 Answer

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by (8.7k points)

Stored procedure: A stored procedure is an SQL Query that you can save and run whenever you need the query in the future. It helps to increase the reusability of the code as we don’t have to write the entire query again and save time by just calling that query by a  name.


Let’s have a look mon code how to call  it :


CREATE DEFINER=`admin`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `invoking`(IN `dateTimeIN` DATETIME)

    NO SQL


    SET @scheduleIDOut = NULL;


    IF  EXISTS(SELECT * FROM `schedule` WHERE ‘scheduleDate` = dateTimeIN) THEN

        SELECT `sID` INTO @scheduleIDOut FROM `schedule` WHERE `scheduleDate` = dateTimeIN LIMIT 1;


        INSERT INTO `schedule` (`scheduleDate`) VALUES(dateTimeIN);

        SET @scheduleIDOut = last_insert_id();

    END IF;


    SELECT CONCAT(@scheduleIDOut);



Calling procedure eith argument from  command line:


mysql> CALL invoking ('2021.05.02 12:12:12');

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