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in Data Science by (55.6k points)

Could someone tell me what is the role of Python in Data Science?

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)
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The role of Python in Data Science in today’s perspective is huge. As Python is a general-purpose Object-Oriented Programming Language and has simple to use syntaxes, has a lower and faster learning curve. Now features like these of Python, is extremely helpful for Data Scientists and professionals who belong to the Data Science domain, as Python offers huge sets of varieties of libraries and frameworks, which they could put to use in getting their job is done.

Some of the widely popular Python libraries are Scikit, NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, etc., and the frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch are extensively used for building Machine Learning and Deep Learning models. If you wish to master Python for Data Science, enroll in a good quality Data Science with Python course from Intellipaat. Also, watch the following video on Data Science Course.

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