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in Data Science by (55.6k points)

Could someone tell me where can a Business Analyst find some freelance work?

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)

Business Analysts are in high demand across the globe. And today’s job market has different takes and has different facets. Some like to work from home, and some like to go to the office. So, if you are in the earlier group, then Freelancing is something that you should be looking into. And talking about freelancing, there are several companies, from where a Business Analyst could find some freelancing work. Like Upwork,, Toptal, etc. And a simple google search will take you to numerous sites that offer freelancing jobs, but beware not all the sites offer you guaranteed to pay or authentic employer. So, do your research and then get onto this way of working.

It doesn’t matter you are working from the office or home, the pay that you will receive depends on the quality of your work and the skill sets you to possess. If you are searching for a good Business Analyst course online, then check out from Intellipaat’s huge list of courses on offer. Watch the following video on Business Analyst tutorial and get started.

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