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I want to know about MongoDB's storage size limit on 64bit platforms. Is it able to store a large amount of data in one instance?


4 Answers

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by (13k points)
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MongoDB, when running on 64-bit platforms, offers an impressive storage size limit of 16 terabytes per database. This makes it highly capable of accommodating a large amount of data within a single instance. MongoDB employs a flexible document model, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval of data. It stores data in JSON-like documents, which can vary in structure and have dynamic schemas. This versatility enables MongoDB to handle diverse data types and accommodate changing data requirements.MongoDB's architecture also contributes to its ability to store substantial amounts of data. It follows a distributed architecture, facilitating horizontal scaling. Horizontal scaling entails distributing data across multiple servers or shards, thereby increasing storage capacity as more servers are added to the cluster. This approach allows MongoDB to handle massive data volumes by leveraging the collective storage resources of the cluster.

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by (11.7k points)
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Storage limit varies for different-different Operating Systems as per the limits decided by MongoDB 3.0 MMAPv1 storage engine. The limit prescribed by MongoDB MMAPv1 storage engine is upto 16,000 data files per database. One MMAPv1 database offers a maximum size of 32TB. 

Whenever maximum virtual memory address space is defined by an operating system, a data set cannot be managed in a single MongoDB instance.

List of Limitations set for Virtual Memory

  1. Linux  allows 64 terabytes of Journaled memory whereas, 128 terabytes of memory is not journaled.

  2.  Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1  offers 64 terabytes of Journal memory while 128 terabytes is not journaled. 

  3. Normal Windows offer 4 terabytes of normal memory and 8 terabytes of non journal.  

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by (7.8k points)
MongoDB on 64-bit platforms has a storage size limit of 16 terabytes per database. This means that it is capable of storing a large amount of data in a single instance.

It utilizes a flexible document model, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval of data.

MongoDB's architecture and use of horizontal scaling also contribute to its ability to handle large data volumes.

Additionally, MongoDB provides features like sharding, which enables distributing data across multiple servers to further enhance storage capacity.

Overall, MongoDB is well-suited for handling substantial amounts of data on 64-bit platforms, making it a suitable choice for applications with high data storage requirements.
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by (11.4k points)
MongoDB on 64-bit platforms has a storage size limit of 16 terabytes per database, allowing it to store a substantial amount of data in one instance. Its flexible document model and distributed architecture enable efficient storage and retrieval of data, while horizontal scaling supports further storage capacity expansion. MongoDB is a suitable choice for applications with large data storage needs.

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