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in AI and Deep Learning by (45k points)

Could someone tell me what are the applications of Computer Vision?

1 Answer

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by (99k points)

Computer Vision is a field of AI that helps to train computers and machines to capture images, interpret and understand the context of different objects and their activities. There are a humungous number of applications that is possible through Computer Vision, and some of them have been listed below for your reference:

  • Customer tracking and counting.
  • Theft Detection
  • Productivity Analysis
  • Autonomous Cars
  • Quality Management
  • Retail industry
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare
  • Agriculture, etc.

There are several more applications of Computer Vision that you could find in day-to-day lives, and many more applications have been scheduled in the coming days. As the pace at which these technologies are driving is fast and is tied with the pace of innovation. If you are excited about Computer Vision and are aiming for certification in this field, then I recommend you take up the Artificial Intelligence course from Intellipaat. And if you are a novice in this field but have little knowledge of the fundamentals, then I suggest you watch the following video on Computer Vision Tutorial and get started.

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