In Power Bi console the datasets are showing the following error
Something went wrong
Unable to connect to the data source undefined.
Please try again later or contact support. If you contact support, please provide these details.
Underlying error code: -2147467259 Table: <TABLE_NAME>.
Underlying error message: AnalysisServices: The following system error occurred:
DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingHResult: -2147467259
Microsoft.Data.Mashup.ValueError.DataSourceKind: AnalysisServices
Microsoft.Data.Mashup.ValueError.DataSourcePath: <path1>;<path2>
Microsoft.Data.Mashup.ValueError.Reason: DataSource.Error
Cluster URI:
Activity ID: 259c4fc7-dde9-449b-b108-9498b001ea25
Request ID: 56d4ee25-b539-4c05-8cd4-24b894507475
Time: 2019-06-13 12:12:51Z
How can I resolve it