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in Data Science by (45k points)
Could someone tell me whether I can become a Data Scientist with no experience?

1 Answer

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by (99k points)

I would say it's a yes and no! Why both you may wonder. The Data Science domain is already facing lots of vacant seats due to the fact that companies are not finding qualified professionals. So if you do not have experience it is a bit difficult. But on the contrary, you can also get a job with no experience if you have the necessary skill sets. To master Data Science the best and fastest way I will recommend you is to enroll in the Data Science Masters Program that Intellipaat offers. In this course, you will learn about Data Science with R and Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AI, Big Data Hadoop, Tableau, etc.

This end-to-end course offers you many benefits like Lifetime free upgrade, round-the-clock technical support, and access, Job assistance, along many other benefits. Take this course and chart your way to become a Data Scientist. For gaining better customer insight, check out this video where Saranya, who has no experience in Data Science, became a Data Science Expert. 

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