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in Machine Learning by (45k points)

Could someone tell me how to switch my career to Machine Learning?

1 Answer

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by (99k points)
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Machine Learning is a booming career with lots of opportunities. You can start learning today and get a job by proving your skills in a job interview. Irrespective of your domain, you can break into this thriving domain with proper skill sets in coding, good experience in handling data, and exposure to AI concepts that will help you land your dream job in Machine Learning.

Take up this popular Artificial Intelligence Masters Course, which will help you get ready for the job market with the right skill sets. I am sharing a video here of a learner who enrolled in the course, and it helped him make a career transition to the Machine Learning domain. 

See this Machine Learning Course for more information :

Intellipaat offers the best Machine Learning online course with systematic learning and expert guidance in collaboration with IIT Madras. You can enroll in this course and kick-start your career in Machine Learning.

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