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in Software Testing by (680 points)

What roles and responsibilities are for test automation engineers?

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by (2.7k points)

Automation test engineers are the IT professionals who handles and manages the testing of software using automated tools by designing programs and novel testing software that automates the software. This is a method of software testing that reduces the human effort to a great extent and increases the efficiency. The need for automation test engineers is constant, and IT businesses are always on the lookout for qualified candidates.

The scope of automation test engineers is very wide as their are many roles and responsibilities in automation testing which needs to be managed by some individual or group of individuals. It is a great career building option 

So, having the right knowledge at the right time is very important for an individual to become a test automation engineer. Intellipaat provides a Test architect course which will help you to clear your fundamentals and concepts in automation testing. 

Check out this video of Shruti Sharan, one of Intellipaat’s students who took the course and went on to become a test automation engineer.

