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How can learning AWS help in making a career in cloud computing?

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by (2.1k points)

As the cloud computing industry continues to grow, it's more important than ever to have a solid understanding of the underlying technologies. With Amazon Web Services (AWS) being one of the most prevalent sources of cloud computing services, learning about this service can help in making a career in cloud computing.

Another reason why learning about AWS is beneficial is because it's a great way for people who want careers in cloud computing to get started on their path towards becoming professionals in this field.

So, if you want to learn cloud computing and make a career out of it, then you must learn from a course that can provide you with all the knowledge related to this field. Intellipaat provides a devops and cloud computing course that would be very beneficial in becoming an expert by mastering the concepts of cloud computing.

Before enrolling in this course, you can also view the success story of Pattabiraman, an Intellipaat’s ex-learner who managed to clear AWS solution architect certification in one attempt.

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