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in Big Data Hadoop & Spark by (3.9k points)

What role will data architects play in the future?

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by (3.8k points)

Data Architects future is very bright as they are the bridge between business and technology. They are responsible for making sure the right data is in place to support the business and is available to be used by employees within the organization.

Data architects need to understand both how to collect and analyze data, as well as how to make sure that the data stays secure. They also need to understand how technology can be used for both internal and external purposes such as CRM or marketing efforts.

If you are interested in reading more about data architects, then you can refer to Intellipaat’s Data Architect Master course which would guide you through all the core concepts of Big Data and eventually help you to become a data architect.

Here is a video of Mukesh, an Intellipaat’s former learner who benefited from the course and transitioned his career.


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