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in Web Technology by (2.7k points)

What does a mean stack developer do?

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by (4k points)

A mean stack developer is someone who knows how to use the full stack of tools and technologies, including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This means they know how to create and manage their own content, as well as how to work with other developers on projects. They are also able to advise clients on how best to utilize their site’s content.

A mean stack developer is also able to design and build websites, both in terms of the frontend (HTML5) and backend (NodeJS). They understand that they need to be able to communicate with their clients in order for them to make informed decisions about their designs and development.

The work of a mean stack developer also varies and depends on the demand of the situation and organization. If you feel that this is the perfect job role for your career and wish to learn and pursue a career out of this then you can refer to Intellipaat’s full video course on full stack web development. This video training will definitely help you to master all the core concepts of mean stack.

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