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in Web Technology by (2.1k points)

How can we improve the functionality of the website?

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by (3.9k points)

If you’re looking to improve your website performance, here are some points you should keep in mind:

  • Web server configuration: The first step in improving your web server performance is to ensure that it is configured correctly.

  • Browser caching: Your browser will cache the contents of your webpage if they have been visited before. This means that when you return to a page, it will load faster because it has already been cached and saved on your computer’s hard drive. However, if you change the page or add new content, then this cached copy will no longer be valid and the browser will need to download all new content again from the server before displaying it to you.

  • Reducing images load time: Images can take a long time to load and there are many different ways in which they can be optimized for faster loading times. You can lower the resolution of the image so that it could load faster.

If you believe this to be the ideal employment for you and would like to learn more and make a career out of it, you can consult Intellipaat's entire video course on full stack web development. You will undoubtedly learn all the fundamentals of mean stack from this video.


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