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in AI and Deep Learning by (37.3k points)
How can I become an AI Engineer?

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by (32.8k points)

If you are planning to become an artificial intelligence engineer. Here are some of the list of steps -

  • Consider Bachelor's degree.

  • Obtain a strong foundation in mathematics, computer science, and programming. 

  • Study machine learning algorithms and models. 

  • Gain practical experience.

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in AI. 

  • Do certifications helps in interviews.

  • Apply for AI profiles.

If you are interested in pursuing a career as an artificial intelligence engineer and dont have required skills. Then do check out this Artificial Intelligence Certification offering by Intellipaat. This training helps you to become a certified professional with all the required skills.

Before enrolling do check out this video on how Intellipaat helped Anjali to become an artificial intelligence engineer after a career break -

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