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How does the transition from being a novice to becoming a cloud specialist involve continuous learning and certification?

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by (31.8k points)

Continuous learning and certification are important in the journey from novice to cloud expert. Continuous learning keeps professionals updated with the ever-evolving cloud technologies, enabling them to adapt to new developments and stay relevant. Certifications validate expertise, making individuals more marketable and demonstrating their competence to potential employers. They provide a structured path for learning and can act as milestones, motivating individuals to acquire in-depth knowledge and skills. In the competitive cloud industry, both continuous learning and certifications are essential for career advancement and professional growth.

If you are interested in getting into this field, check out this video about Kamal Kishore and how he cracked certification exam and achieved a career transition from a novice to a cloud expert just after completing Intellipaat's Cloud Architect Course.

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