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in Data Science by (17.6k points)

I have a very large table (1,000,000 X 20) to process and need to do it in a fast way.

For example, There are 2 columns X2 and X3 in my table:

enter image description here

    X1  X2                                          X3

c1  1   100020003001, 100020003002, 100020003003    100020003001, 100020003002, 100020003004

c2  2   100020003001, 100020004002, 100020004003    100020003001, 100020004007, 100020004009

c3  3   100050006003, 100050006001, 100050006001    100050006011, 100050006013, 100050006021

Now I would like to create 2 new columns which contain

1) the common words or the same numbers

For example: [1] "100020003001" "100020003002"

2) the count of the common words or the same numbers

For example: [1] 2

I have tried the method from the below thread, however, the processing time is slow since I did it with for loop:

Count common words in two strings



Thanks for the help! I am really struggling here...

1 Answer

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by (41.4k points)

See the code below:


df1 %>%

   mutate(common_words = map2(strsplit(X2, ", "),

                              strsplit(X3, ", "),  


          count = lengths(common_words))

# X1                                       X2                                       X3

#1  1 100020003001, 100020003002, 100020003003 100020003001, 100020003002, 100020003004

#2  2 100020003001, 100020004002, 100020004003 100020003001, 100020004007, 100020004009

#3  3 100050006003, 100050006001, 100050006001 100050006011, 100050006013, 100050006021

#                common_words count

#1 100020003001, 100020003002     2

#2               100020003001     1

#3                                0

Here, we are splitting the 'X2', 'X3' columns by the ‘,’, 

Then, getting the intersect of corresponding list elements with map2 and to ‘count ’ the number of elements in the list, we are using lengths.


Or we can also use base R


df1$common_words <- Map(intersect, strsplit(df1$X2, ", "), strsplit(df1$X3, ", "))

df1$count <- lengths(df1$common_words)


df1 <- structure(list(X1 = 1:3, X2 = c("100020003001, 100020003002, 100020003003", 

"100020003001, 100020004002, 100020004003", "100050006003, 

 100050006001, 100050006001"

 ), X3 = c("100020003001, 100020003002, 100020003004", "100020003001, 

 100020004007, 100020004009", 

 "100050006011, 100050006013, 100050006021")), class = "data.frame", 

  row.names = c("c1", "c2", "c3"))

If you wish to learn more about how to use python for data science, then go through data science python programming course by Intellipaat for more insights.

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