I am very new to quorum programming. I already made some Smart Contracts with solidity on ethereum and made some dapps with Truffle, React and Metamask.
Now I did this Quorum Tutorial: https://truffleframework.com/tutorials/building-dapps-for-quorum-private-enterprise-blockchains
Before I get to the problem I have, I tell you what I am trying to do: Right now we have a database in our school, where the teacher can save the marks of the students, and the students can log in and see the marks they have. I'm trying to make a prototype, where this data is stored on a private blockchain like quorum.
So what I already did is a react front end for the prototype and I want that teachers can log in, save marks for a student and then the students can log in and see their marks. This means that students and teachers all need a login.
The Problems I face:
- How can I set up a local productive quorum node?
For ethereum and ganache, you can use metamask and then use the metamask account in the react front-end to make transactions. How does it look like with quorum?
How can I make a login? Or does the teacher and student need to know a private key for their account?
As you can see, I'm very new in this world and I need to learn a bit more about the concept.
Thank you for your help