I have to make a visualization of the IDA*(iterative deepening A star) algorithm when it is running a 15-puzzle problem. Exactly, I need to visualize the tree and the puzzle.
IDA* algorithm is similar to the A* algorithm.
There are 3 things I need to implement:
1)The IDA* code.
2)After that, the IDA* connected with the problem(15-puzzle).
3)And, after that, I need to visualize the tree of the algorithm.
But I believe that someone before must have implemented the code for the IDA* running the 15-puzzle problem. I need your help to find this source code so that I would not spend 2 months writing code that has been written by someone else before so that I would have time to focus on the visualization.
I know some C, C++, and C#.
I need simple source code, that I would comprehend, in which you input a table as a puzzle and it gives you back as a table with the solved puzzle.
Secondly, what programming language from the 3 above do you suggest me to use for the visualization?
I have found some implementations:
A* in C++, I need IDA*
IDA* in java
IDA* in pseudocode link1 link2 link3
IDA* in C
IDA* with 15-puzzle
15-puzzles solved in an applet
A* and IDA* that solves Sliding puzzle (This one uses templates that aren't defined)