I am trying to convert a datetime column in a CSV to a salesforce datetime format to do an upsert. I tried expression like below in mule-3.8.4 dataweave1.0 but I am getting an error.
I tried the following:
Test_Date: "1/14/19 6:31 PM" as :localdatetime { format: "M/dd/yy h:mm a" } as :localdatetime { format: "YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ssZ" })
Expected Output : 2019-01-14T06:31:00Z
Actual Output : Mon Jan 14 18:31:00 EST 2019
After Upsert in Salesforce, it looks like this: 2019-01-14T00:00:00.000+0000. It is not saving the time.
What is the problem?