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in DevOps and Agile by (19k points)

Can Kubernetes replace Docker?

2 Answers

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by (47.6k points)

Does not look like, as Kubernetes and Docker perform two different things.

You can use Docker as a platform to create containerized applications. Where as Kubernetes is a platform that allows you to automatically manage the scaling, deployment, etc. of containers.

You can use Docker and Kubernetes together, or independently, but because they serve different functions, K8S(Kubernetes) would not be a Docker replacement. Platforms like containerd or Mesos, however, can be looked at as competitors to Docker. If you want to learn both the technologies and want to have a certificate in them then you must have a look at the following DevOps Training Course. If you are more into reading then you must read the following DevOps Tutorial. Here I am mentioning the link of the video by which I came to know all these things.


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by (106k points)
edited by

I do not think so, reason because Kubernetes and Docker are used to perform two different things. Talking about Docker, so it is a platform where you can create containerized applications. Whereas Kubernetes, on the other hand, is a platform that allows you to automatically manage the scaling, deployment, etc. of containers.

Docker and Kubernetes can be used together, or independently, but because they serve different functions, K8S would not be a Docker replacement. Platforms like containers or Mesos, however, can be looked at as competitors to Docker. If you wish to work with these cloud computing technologies, then I would suggest you must take up the following DevOps training Course which covers all about these technologies including Jenkins, Git, Ansible and many more. If you like reading things then you can read the following DevOps tutorial

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