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in DevOps and Agile by (19k points)

What testing tools are in great demand apart from selenium?

1 Answer

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by (47.6k points)

There is no such tool which is in demand but yes Selenium is used widely in the field of software testing. But it depends on the type of testing you are going to perform:

Like for Automation - UFT(QTP), Cucumber and codedUi.

For Performance - Jmeter and LoadRunner.

For Services testing - SOAP UI and Postman.

For unit testing - NUnit, mbunit and testing.

For test management - Jira, VSTS, Zephyr and qTest.

Additional to this thing you need to know automation concepts like Data-Driven Testing and Behaviour are driven development testing. On top of it, you can learn any one or more programming languages like Java, Python, C#, C++, JavaScript, JQuery which are in demand for test automation development. If you want to make your career in software testing field then you must take up the following Selenium Training course. For your reference, I am also mentioning a video tutorial which you can refer to learn more about it. 

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