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in Data Science by (17.6k points)
What is the connection between data science and artificial intelligence? Is it machine learning?

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by (41.4k points)

Artificial Intelligence is an umbrella term. For making an AI-based product you should have knowledge of Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

Data Science: If you want to train the model on some real-time data that you collected then you have to clean that raw data and make it structured for machine, you have to visualize the data for building the proper model. This is where Data Science comes into play.

Machine Learning: After the Data Science based tasks are done we have to build a model on top of the data and the trends that we have extracted from that data using Data Science. There are many Machine Learning techniques that are used for this purpose. This is where Machine Learning comes into the picture.

Combining all these we make an AI-based model that is used to perform tasks that reduces human effort and time.

So, start your journey with this Data Science, Machine Learning and AI tutorial:

Watch this comprehensive tutorial on Data Science, and Machine Learning to become a master of AI:

Data Science

Machine Learning

For getting a job as AI engineer you should be a professional in AI and you need to have a certificate for proving it, so, you should go for an Artificial Intelligence course to make your career rise to the next level. 

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