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in R Programming by (5.3k points)

1 Answer

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You will find a lot of courses for R programming but most of them are neither complete nor up-to-date. There are very few good quality courses and tutorials that are freely available.

Before you enroll in any course make sure it has the following topics covered:

Data manipulation

Data visualization and

Advanced analytics topics like regressions and data mining using RStudio

The above video will give you an idea about which topics must be covered in a course.

You can also check out the following free and end-to-end tutorial to help you decide among your choices

R Programming Tutorial | Learn R Programming | Intellipaat

If you also want a certification along with a course, you can check out the following complete course on Data Science with R.

Learn R Programming Online - R Programming Training Course

This R Programming for Data Science training course will help you be a master in data manipulation with R programming, data visualization and advanced analytics topics like regression and data mining using RStudio. During this course, you will work on real-life projects and assignments to master Data Science.

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