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in R Programming by (9k points)
What are the objects in R? Where can I find the best R Programming tutorial?

3 Answers

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by (45.3k points)

R consists of a number of data objects to perform various functions. There are 6 types of objects in R Programming. They include vector, list, matrix, array, factor, and data frame.

  • Vectors are one of the basic R programming data objects. They are six types of atomic vectors- logical, integer, character, raw, double, and complex.
  • Lists are data objects of R that contain various types of elements including strings, numbers, vectors, and a nested list inside it. It can also consist of matrices or functions as elements. It can be created with the help of the list() function.
  • Matrices in R Programming are used to arrange elements in the two-dimensional layout. They contain elements of the same data type. They usually contain numeric values in order to perform mathematical operations.
  • An array is used to store data in more than just 2 dimensions. It is used to store multi-dimensional data in the required format. It can be created with the help of an array() function.
  • Factors are data objects that are used in order to categorize and store data as levels. They can be strings or integers. They are extremely useful in data analytics for statistical modeling. They can be created using factor() function.
  • Dataframe is a 2-dimensional data structure wherein each column consists of the value of one variable and each row consists of a value set from each column.

Intellipaat has one of the best R Programming Tutorial where you can learn in-depth about R.

You must also, watch this YouTube tutorial to become proficient in R:

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by (37.3k points)

In R, an object is used to store various types of data, and the objects can be as simple as a single value (number or char) or as complex as a list of multiple elements. The object is a data structure.

Types of Objects in R

Vectors: The most basic type of object in R. A vector is a one-dimensional array that can contain character, numeric, logical, and complex data, but all elements in a vector must be of the same type.

Numeric vector: x<- c(5.6, 24.3, 73.4)

Character vector: y<- c("rock", "paper", "scissors")

Logical vector: z <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)

Lists: Lists are objects that can contain elements of different types, including other lists too. They are used for grouping related data.

new_list <- list(name = "Rahul", age = 32, scores = c(80, 82, 83))

Matrices: Matrices are two-dimensional arrays that can only contain elements of the same type. They are created by using this function  matrix().

new_matrix <- matrix(1:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 3)

Arrays: Arrays are an n-dimensional collection of data elements. They can contain elements of the same type. They are created by using this function  array().
new_array <- array(1:12, dim = c(3, 4))

Data Frames: Data frames is a table-like structure that can hold different types of variables where each column can be of a different type. They are created by using this function data.frame().


 new_data_frame <- data.frame(name = c("James", "Bond"), age = c(26, 38))

Factors: Factors are used to represent categorical data and they can be ordered or unordered. They are particularly useful in statistical modeling. 

new_factor <- factor(c("male", "female", "female", "male"))

Attributes of Objects

Each object in R can have associated attributes, which provide more information about the object. Some of the common attributes are:

Class: Defines the type of the object (e.g., "data.frame", "matrix").

Dimensions: For matrices and arrays, this defines the number of rows and columns.

Names: Assigns names to the elements in a list or data frame.

Creating and Manipulating Objects

Objects in R are created using assignment operators (like <-), and their properties can be manipulated using various functions. For example, you can check the class of an object using class() and access its attributes using attributes().

Example of Creating and Checking an Object

# Create a vector

new_vector <- c(1, 2, 3)

# Check the class of the vector

class(new_vector)  # Output: "numeric"

# Create a data frame

new_df <- data.frame(Name = c("James", "Bond"), Age = c(26, 38))

# Check attributes of the data frame


Intellipaat has one of the best R Programming Tutorials where you can learn in-depth about R.

You must also watch this Intellipaat YouTube tutorial to become proficient in R

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by (2.7k points)
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R Programming Objects

R programming uses several types of objects for representing data in a helpful way to manipulate and analyze. These objects are:

Vector: One-dimensional structure holding numeric, character, or logical values.

List: Versatile container that can store any kind of object including vectors, matrices, and even other lists.

Matrix: A two-dimensional table of similar data type.

Array: Multi-dimensional expansion of the matrix concept.

Data Frame: A table-like structure like a spreadsheet but with columns that can hold any type of data.

Factor: It is an object type used for the encoding of categorical data based on pre-defined levels.

All these object types allow users of R to carry out hundreds of operations and analyses that make R a treasure trove in data science and statistical computing.

Recommended R Programming Courses by Intellipaat

If you are new to R programming, then have a look at the following best courses on R programming from Intellipaat.

R Tutorial for Beginners - YouTube

Duration: 6 hours and 51 minutes

It covers beginner and advanced levels.

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Free R Programming Course -

This is a beginner course. It is fully self-paced.

It introduces users to R-Studio, data exploration, and also making user-defined functions

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R Programming Certification Training

Comprehensive course that dwells much on data manipulation and visualization and advanced analytical techniques with practical assignments and real life applications.

Learn more here -

These have been designed to provide resources that give both theoretical insight as well as practical application and are held paramount in mastering R programming.

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