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in DevOps and Agile by (32.3k points)

What are the essential skills required to become a DevOps Engineer?

1 Answer

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by (41.4k points)

Presently in the software industry, recruiters place a lot of emphasis on finding the right candidates with apt technical skills and competencies for their companies. Depending on the technical profile you choose to work in, there could be very specific technical skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to pursue the job.

In order to become a DevOps Engineer, you need to have these skills in your arsenal:

  • Automation tools, namely, Jenkins, Chef, Puppet, etc.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery tools
  • Testing tools like Selenium
  • Cloud services such as AWS, Docker, and Kubernetes
  • Programming languages such as Python, Java, Groovy, Scala, etc.

Today, MNCs, SMEs, and high-growth startups are constantly hunting for skilled and certified DevOps Engineers. Therefore, enrolling in DevOps Certification program can boost your chances of becoming a DevOps Engineer.

DevOps Career Path can give you a better understanding of the DevOps Engineer career path.

Watching our below video tutorial can help you understand the nuances of DevOps technology:

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