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in Web Technology by (50.2k points)

For example, I have the following document in MongoDB:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("524091f99c49c4c3f66b0e46"), "hour" : 10, "incoming", 100}

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5240a045dbeff33c7333aa51"), "hour" : 11, "incoming", 200}

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5240a2ecda0d37f35c618aca"), "hour" : 12, "incoming", 300}

From the above document database, I want to query "SUM the number of incoming between 11 - 12" 

the output should be 500, how can I perform that using Mongo Shell?

1 Answer

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by (108k points)
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 The solution to your problem is the aggregation framework that mongodb provides. Here's what your query would look like:

db.CollectionNameGoesHere.aggregate({ $match: {

    $and: [

        { hour: { $gte: 11 } },

        { hour: { $lte: 12 } }


} },

{ $group: { _id : null, sum : { $sum: "$incoming" } } });

You can also shape the resulting document to only contain the sum by adding a $project operator at the end of the pipeline, like so:

{ $project: { _id: 0, sum: 1 } }

If you want more information regarding the same kindly refer to the following mongodb tutorial 

Want to learn MongoDB from the experts, Check out this MongoDB Course in Sydney to enhance your Knowledge!

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