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in AI and Deep Learning by (55.6k points)

Can anyone explain the history of Artificial Intelligence?

2 Answers

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by (119k points)

John McCarthy has used the word Artificial Intelligence for the first time and considered as the father of artificial intelligence. He has developed the Lisp programming language to implement Artificial Intelligence. John McCarthy used the word Artificial Intelligence and explained AI and the scope of AI in Dartmouth Summer Research Project conference in 1955. You can check out this Artificial Intelligence course in case you want to learn Artificial Intelligence.

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by (107k points)

The term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ was coined in the year 1955 by John McCarthy. He is considered to be one of the founding fathers of Artificial Intelligence. He, alongside other geniuses such as Alan Turing, Allen Newell, and Marvin Minsky, came up with concepts pertaining to the early-day Artificial Intelligence in the infamous Dartmouth Conference in the summer of 1956. This conference was the foundation for getting the world start on Artificial Intelligence research and AI as a field for development in general. Based on the concepts and techniques discussed here, mathematicians, alongside programmers, have been revolutionizing the industry till date. The onset of AI looks brilliantly radiant in the future, and it is getting more and more powerful as days pass.

If you are looking for an online course to learn Artificial Intelligence, check out this AI Course by Intellipaat.

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