Below is all of the code. But I can't understand about two lines of code in the function definitions, pLabel.configure(image = photo) and pLabel.image = photo. What's the meaning of these two lines? When I search it google, it says 'keep reference', but I can't fully understand 'keep reference'.
from tkinter import *
from time import *
fnameList = ["test1.gif", "test2.gif", "test3.gif", "test4.gif", "test5.gif",
"test6.gif", "test7.gif", "test8.gif", "test9.gif",]
photoList = [None] * 9
num = 0
def clickNext() :
global num
num += 1
if num > 8 :
num = 0
photo = PhotoImage(file = "chapter10/gif/" + fnameList[num])
pLabel.configure(image = photo)
pLabel.image = photo
def clickPrev() :
global num
num -= 1
if num < 0 :
num = 8
photo = PhotoImage(file = "chapter10/gif/" + fnameList[num])
pLabel.configure(image = photo)
pLabel.image = photo
window = Tk()
btnPrev = Button(window, text = "<< prev", command = clickPrev)
btnNext = Button(window, text = "next >>", command = clickNext)
window.bind("<Up>", clickNext) # PageUp key click
window.bind("<Down>", clickPrev) # PageDown key click
photo = PhotoImage(file = "chapter10/gif/" + fnameList[0])
pLabel = Label(window, image = photo) = 250, y = 10) = 400, y = 10) = 15, y = 50)