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in AWS by (12.9k points)
Can anyone tell me how to download a PEM file from AWS?

2 Answers

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by (119k points)
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Here, PEM refers to the format of a file for a key pair in AWS. To download a key pair, you need to create a key pair. You cannot retrieve it again if the file is deleted.

To create a key pair, you can do the following:

  1. Log in to AWS, and navigate to EC2

  2. Select Network and security in the navigation pane, and enter key pairs

  3. Select Create Key Pair

  4. Then, select the format of the file (.pem or .ppk)

This will download the files automatically in their respective formats.

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by (1.9k points)

Here, PEM is an abbreviation for AWS key pair file format. You must make the key pair before you begin downloading it. In case this file gets deleted, the key pair can never be retrieved again.

You will find the process to do this as follows:

To access AWS log in; go to EC2, then

Navigate to a navigation pane that has items for Network and security: Enter key pairs: create key pair

Select the file type (.pem or .ppk)

By doing this, the files will download automatically in their correct format.

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