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in Data Science by (18.4k points)
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I have the list of class instances, and when I call it in the Python it looks like this:

[<__main__.Animal at 0x1f053e6abc8>,

 <__main__.Animal at 0x1f049e3f848>,

 <__main__.Animal at 0x1f0532e8d08>,

 <__main__.Animal at 0x1f053e6a1c8>]

Is there any way where I could add something to the code inside the classes to make them look like this:





1 Answer

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by (36.8k points)

You can implement the __repr__ method for the class. It should return the string. If, for example, your class has the "name" attribute, you can just use:

def __repr__(self): return

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