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in BI by (11.1k points)
Department   Employee  Class Peroid   Qty1 Qty2 Qty3
Dept1        John        1     1st    1    2    3
Dept1        John        1     2nd    11   22   33
Dept1        Mary        1     1st    2    3    4
Dept1        Mary        1     2nd    22   33   44
Dept2        Joe         1     1st    3    4    5
Dept2        Joe         1     2nd    33   44   55
Dept2        Paul        1     1st    4    5    6
Dept2        Paul        1     2nd    44   55   66
                           Class  /  Period
Department    Employee      1st       2nd
Dept1         John         1  2  3   11 22 33
Dept1         Mary         2  3  4   22 33 44
Dept2         Joe          3  4  5   33 44 55
Dept2         Paul         4  5  6   44 55 66
   Class  /  Period
Department    Employee      1st       2nd
Dept1         John          1         11
                            2         22
                            3         33   
Dept1         Mary          2         22 
                            3         33
                            4         44 
Dept2         Joe           3         33 
                            4         44
                            5         55  
Dept2         Paul          4         44
                            5         55
                            6         66

How can I convert the rows into employee to sub-column under period

1 Answer

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by (22.5k points)

You can solve in this way

imageIf you want to learn more about it Tableau, then go through this Tableau Training for more insights.   

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