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in Data Science by (55.6k points)

Could someone explain about the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science course?

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)

Artificial Intelligence is referred to as the intelligence demonstrated by machines or systems or the ability of machines to mimic human traits through extensive algorithms that enable them to learn and solve problems by themselves without needing a human intervention

And Data Science is a very large field within computer science which is used to extract insights from very large sets or volumes of data through scientific methods and algorithms.

Well, if you are aspiring for a career in either Artificial Intelligence or Data Science, then I would recommend you to check out Intellipaat’s Artificial Intelligence course and Data Science course.

These courses are designed keeping in mind the industry standards and offer a choice between instructor-based video modules or self-paced videos along with guided projects and exercises, all these various aspects help you in gaining the required amount of hands-on experience on these technologies. Joining these courses once will entitle you to Intellipaat’s 24*7 technical assistance for a Lifetime.

On this note, I would suggest you to better plan your career after watching our YouTube video on AI or Data Science: Which to Choose.

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