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in Data Science by (55.6k points)

Could someone tell me what is the scope of data analytics in 2021?

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)

The scope of data analytics is rising continuously even in 2021. Data analytics is all about gaining meaningful information from large sets of structured and unstructured data taken from multiple sources. Companies both in India and the US are paying a nice hefty amount of money to skilled data analysts as they require these skills to progress ahead. As companies are generating a huge pool of data, they require these professionals to process and analyze these data to make sense for their business operations. Leading companies are increasingly putting out vacancies for data analysts because they have realized way back that without squeezing out meaningful insights from these large data’s, their business could be a flop in the coming years, as they could become obsolete if they don’t follow the trend.

So, if you are interested and willing to spend time to learn Data analytics, I would suggest you check out the Data analytics course from Intellipaat. This course will offer a good mix of instructor-led videos with guided projects and exercises to help you get the required practical skillset. Also, watch our YouTube video on Data analytics to gain more insights about the data analytics fundamentals.

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