I need to create an autoscaling group but the launch configuration keeps on failing as I'm using an encrypted AMI for security reasons, but it crashes after the timer and giving this error:
Error: "autoscaling group": Waiting up to 5m0s: Need at least 1 healthy instances in ASG, have 0. Most recent activity: {
ActivityId: "35c5cb87-fc76-a0bc-e547-xxxxxx",
AutoScalingGroupName: "autoscaling group",
Cause: "At 2020-06-23T16:24:50Z an instance was started in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, increasing the capacity from 0 to 1.",
Description: "Launching a new EC2 instance: i-xxxxx. Status Reason: Instance became unhealthy while waiting for instance to be in InService state. Termination Reason: Client.InternalError: Client error on launch",
Details: "{\"Subnet ID\":\"subnet-xxxxxxx\",\"Availability Zone\":\"us-east-2b\"}",
EndTime: 2020-06-23 16:25:23 +0000 UTC,
Progress: 100,
StartTime: 2020-06-23 16:24:52.392 +0000 UTC,
StatusCode: "Cancelled",
StatusMessage: "Instance became unhealthy while waiting for instance to be in InService state. Termination Reason: Client.InternalError: Client error on launch"
"Images": [
"Architecture": "x86_64",
"CreationDate": "2020-06-15T19:01:08.000Z",
"ImageId": "ami-xxxxxxx",
"ImageLocation": "8xxxxxxx/amazon-linux-ami-2-x",
"ImageType": "machine",
"Public": false,
"OwnerId": "8xxxxxxx",
"PlatformDetails": "Linux/UNIX",
"UsageOperation": "RunInstances",
"State": "available",
"BlockDeviceMappings": [
"DeviceName": "/dev/xvda",
"Ebs": {
"DeleteOnTermination": true,
"SnapshotId": "snap-xxxxxx",
"VolumeSize": 8,
"VolumeType": "gp2",
"Encrypted": true
"EnaSupport": true,
"Hypervisor": "xen",
"Name": "amazon-linux-ami-2-x",
"RootDeviceName": "/dev/xvda",
module "asg" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/autoscaling/aws"
version = "~> 3.0"
name = "service"
# Launch configuration
lc_name = "launch-config"
image_id = "ami-xxxx"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
associate_public_ip_address = true
recreate_asg_when_lc_changes = true
iam_instance_profile = "${aws_iam_instance_profile.kms_instance.name}"
security_groups = [module.network.autoscale_security_group]
ebs_block_device = [
device_name = "/dev/xvdz"
volume_type = "gp2"
volume_size = "50"
delete_on_termination = true
root_block_device = [
volume_size = "50"
volume_type = "gp2"
delete_on_termination = true
# Auto scaling group
asg_name = "asg_name"
vpc_zone_identifier = ["subnet-xxxxx", "subnet-xxxx"]
health_check_type = "EC2"
min_size = 1
max_size = 1
desired_capacity = 1
wait_for_capacity_timeout = "5m"
force_delete = true
tags = ommitted